Wholesale LOW CARB SNACK FOODS Companies for Vending Machines and Micro Markets. Wholesale food suppliers are listed in alphabetical order by company name. Please contact the low carbohydrates snack foods companies for more information about their products & pricing.
Also see: Product Distributors, Product Brokers, Pastries, Crackers, Healthy Snacks, Foods, Deli foods,

Company / Website
Low Carb Product Supplier Services
Contact Info
Amport Foods is a family owned company that has been dedicated to providing quality dried fruit and snack products for over 50 years. Highest Quality, Lowest Prices! Sunflower Seeds, Soybeans, Trail Mixes, Soy nuts, Banana Chips and more!
Phone: 612-331-7000
Fax: 612-331-1122
customers@ amportfoods.com
Beef JerkyLOW CARB- 1g CARBS, 1g FAT, PROTEIN-PACKED! 2 oz bags available for vending!
Phone: 877-852-8515
EatSmart All-Natural Snacks are always tastier and always better for you.  Now, reduce carbs with Soy~Teins, The delicious new low carb seasoned soy crisp loaded with 7 grams of soy protein and 6 grams of net carbs.
Phone: 800-233-7125
Fax: 717-632-7207
Good Health’s key products include savory snacks: Veggie Stix, Olive Oil Potato Chips, Peanut Butter Pretzels, apple chips, popcorn, candy, and crackers.
Phone: 631-261-5608
Fax: 631-261-2147
Mac’s Snacks sells Pork skins, cracklins, chicharrones, jerky, and new low carb snacks!
Phone: 817-640-5626
Season Snacks – Snack Food Products  Check out our Soy Chips! Snack foods, low carb snack products, healthier snack, snack food products, natural snacks, organic snacks, low fat snacks, kettle corn, high protein snack products, caramel corn, and cheese puffs!
Phone: 630-628-0211
Fax: 630-628-0385
100% Crunch Dried Fruit and Corn! Healthy prepackaged dried fruits and vegetables!
Phone: 888-222-0170

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