ATM Industry Insiders Predict That ATM Machines Will Have Their Own Personality In the Future 

ATM AIIf you’ve followed the latest developments in artificial intelligence, you know AI is quickly becoming available everywhere these days from devices like our phones and television sets, to our cars, so why not ATM’s as well? 

Yes, we can expect ATMs to have artificial intelligence in the near future, and in some cases ATM machines may even have their own individual “personalities” that tell us when they need maintenance.  

This is a good thing because upkeep and maintenance issues are responsible for thousands of hours of downtime for ATMs every year so it makes sense to have ATMs that can tell you what they need 

Each “Personality” Would Vary by The ATM Machine 

Giving an ATM personality is a good idea but the reality is that each machine will have to have it’s “own personality” because ATMs are placed in a wide variety of locations around the world ,and one location is not the same as the other. 

The average ATM has to deal with weather, heavy usage, or environmental stresses so the machine would have to possess the ability to respond to those stresses and inform its owners about what the needs of the machine are so that the owner can meet those needs. 

Thanks to the Internet, and services like cloud computing, the technology is already there to give an ATM its personality, but an ATM will need more than just an AI personality, it will have to be able to tell it’s owner “how it’s doing” instead of offering typical AI responses.   

Sensors will be needed to track things like motor function and monitoring those transactions will have to happen on a “granular level”. As more ATM manufacturers are upgrading and producing machines with this technology already builtin, we will likely encounter smart ATMs sooner rather than later. 

Will Save ATM Owners Time and Money 

These days it’s not uncommon for most ATM owners to find out that their machines have mechanical problems or issues after they’ve long since occurred. Thankfully, with a smart ATM that also has AI, owners would be able to be informed of problems when they occur and take care of those issues almost immediately rather than waiting days until they find out that their ATMs have been offline due to one issue or another. 

What’s even better about having an ATM with AI is that it’s going to be possible in the future for ATMs with AI to “crunch data’ and also look for potential patterns that may be signs of problems ahead.  

Once an ATM that has AI can identify a potential problem after collecting and analyzing data, it will be able to “predict” when it’s going to go down, let’s say within a window of 72-96 hours, so that the owner of the machine can send someone out to fix the issue.  

Smart ATMs may also be able to collect and examine potentially fraudulent activities so that the owner of the machine can report the fraud to the local authorities while staying compliant with laws like GDPR and PCI. 

If you’re thinking about investing in a new ATM, or you’re an existing owner that has had a portfolio of ATMs for years, keep an eye on ATM technology because it’s going to keep advancing in the years to come. 


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