FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions about Vending and starting a new vending business! Q and A. What about Vending?

  • VendingHave you every wondered, “How does the Vending Machine Business Work?
  • Have you asked yourself, “How can I Make Money with Vending Machines?
  • Have you ever said, “How much does a vending machine cost?” See answers below.

Each day millions of dollars go through vending machines. Founded in 1936, NAMA is the #1 association representing the $31 billion US vending convenience services industry.

We do know that vending is a recession proof business! Why? because we still need to drink & eat conveniently! Vending machines are convenient ways of getting a snack, drink, candy bar, coffee and so much more!

Vending covers a wide spectrum of business opportunities. Including; candy, gumball, atms, food, snacks, soda, coffee, juices, water, micro markets, healthy vending, music, games, arcades and much more! Each type of vending business opportunity had it’s own advantage. Automatic merchandising is one of today’s fastest growing industries. Fast, Easy, Convenient and Economical for the customer.

Every day 7 out of 10 people will buy products from an Automatic Vending Machine.

The amount of money could range up to twenty dollars “per vend” depending on the types of vending machines you own and operate! The income grows with more machines placed. Most popular machines in office type locations: Bulk Vending, Soda vending, Snack Vending and Coffee Vending. High traffic locations are very important for cash flow. Weekly income on these machines has a much higher potential.

Check out Vending Ebooks for more information on these types of vending businesses:
Also, the #1 Seller is The Vending Start Up E-Kit! This Ebook contains All types of vending machine businesses to start and operate- to help you make wise decisions!

Vending Start up EbooksLooking for Specific type of Vending E-Book?

Can I start a vending business with little or no money down?

  • Yes, you can choose to lease your new vending machines from an equipment leasing company with zero money down. Or possibly charge your first machines on a credit card.
  • Check out: Vending Equipment Financing,
  • Equipment Distributors offering leasing or financing options for vending machines.

How much does a vending machines cost? As little as a $50 for a used gumball machine, or up to $20,000 for a touch screen full size snack & drink healthy vending machine! Keep reading…


  • Lease your equipment, whether the machines are new or used. Add one or two vending machines at a time. Build slowly, with good high traffic locations.
  • Purchase established routes (from someone retiring or getting out of the business). The existing vending business will be currently set up with machines on locations, suppliers of products, along with the procedure of filling each type of machine and pricing of the products.
  • Purchase used equipment from other vending operators or distributors. Try it first and see if vending is for you. Research trade magazines, classified ads, or call local distributors for new and used equipment for sale.
    Choose machines that are: reliable, easy to service, easy to locate, caters to the people on location (products that they want), and gives you an outstanding return on your investment.Before buying, check out our vending ebooks on how to start you own vending business: https://www.vendingconnection.com/ebooks/

How much do I have to pay the business owner where the machine(s) are located?
This is commonly know as commissions paid to the location. The business owner allows the machine in their establishment because it is a convenience to their employees and customers. Offering a great vending service for free could be just what they need. Otherwise, 0 to 20% of the NET profit can be negotiable to achieve the location, depending on amount of employees and traffic. A signed contract of agreement is available.

What types of vending machine opportunities are out there?


ATMs, Bulk Candy Vending, Gumballs, Capsules, Soda Vending, Snack Vending, Office Coffee Service or Coffee Vending Machines, Small Combo Machines, Hot Dog Carts, Concession stands, Crane Game Machines, Deli Vending, DVD Vending, Family Fun Centers, Food vending, Full Line Vending, Healthy Vending, Honor Snack Boxes, Hot Dog carts, Healthy Vending, Juke Boxes, Kiosks, Laundry Coin Op, Micro Markets, Personal Products, Stickers, Tattoos, Toys, Video Games, Water Vending, Amusement Entertainment Machines, Arcades, Coin op Car Washes. etc.

Check out The Vending Suppliers Directory for all types of vending categories available.

How do I check out a vending business company that I want to buy from?


  • Federal Trade Commission Web site – www.ftc.gov 1-877-382-4357
  • National Fraud Information Center Web Site – www.fraud.org 1-800-876-7060
  • Better Business Bureau – www.bbb.org
  • Small Business Association – www.sba.gov 1-800-U-ASK-SBA

Who do I contact to find locations for my vending machines?
For company listings of vending machine Locators: Vending Machine Locators


What are the types of vending suppliers?

  • MANUFACTURERS are the companies that actually manufacture the products or machines. Usually selling through distributors or brokers. Occasionally selling directly to the vending operator at discount prices.
  • DISTRIBUTORS sell machines and/or products directly to you in your area. Some distributors may have products and vending equipment in stock with warehouse space, assisting you with vending equipment, product, parts, and financing.
  • RETAIL WHOLESALERS are a specific kind of retail distributor. Often a retail wholesaler has a large, easily accessible inventory that they will resell to the public at wholesale prices. Well known retail wholesalers such as Sam’s Club or Costco Wholesale, which require a membership to purchase products.
  • BROKERS act as middlemen between manufacturing companies, retailers or distributors, selling products to the smaller local vending business vendor.

How do I advertise my vending business for local businesses to contact me to place machines?
You can start advertising in your local printed yellow pages and newspaper classifieds section. You can also place an online internet ad. The Vending Yellow Pages Directory is the best place on the internet to List your company contact information –Click here for Vending Services Operators – Listed by state.

How do I find charity groups that will help support my vending business?
Click here to view the listed CHARITY SPONSORSHIPS FOR VENDING with vending sponsorship programs. You can contact them directly to find out about their services.

Where are the vending trade shows I can attend to learn more about vending?
Go to the vending trade show calendar of events visit: Trade Shows Events

What are the statistics on the Vending business industry?
Go to the vending statistic webpage for more information about stats: Vending Statistics

How do I sell my vending machines on the internet?
You can place a Vending Machine for sale Classified ad , and ship your vending machines.

I am a vending business owner, how do I sell my Vending Machine route?
Click here for more detailed information on how to sell your vending machine route:

I am looking for special parts for my vending machines, who do I contact?
There are local and national vending repair services and parts companies that can ship parts to you. Also repair companies for your vending machines. Go to: Parts/Repair and contact the companies listed for more information about their services they offer.

I am considering attending a vending trade show, where do I go?
There are a variety of vending trade shows and vending events to attend. Visit the trade show events calendar webpage for more information: Trade Show Expos

I am looking for a vending software for my vending business, what is the best software?
We have listed vending software companies on: Software for Vending, You can contact the software companies listed for more information and free downloads!


Facts you should know about vending…
Vending machines are machines that dispense food items, beverages, toys or other items for a fee. Vending machines can hold many different types of items, such as cold drinks, coffee, candy, cookies, sandwiches, cigarettes, bubblegum, gumballs, newspapers, ice cream, ice, healthy foods, soda pop, water and snacks. Most vending machines are coin & dollar bill operated, but some operate with a lock and key, or by computer, cashless vending machines.

You can find vending machine companies by looking online for one near you.

Consider which type of vending machine you need for your business, such as soda cans, juice beverages, and coffee. If you’re an antique store owner, you may be interested in antique vending machines for your business. Some liquor stores may even offer beer bottle vending machines. When wondering how to choose the vending machine for your location, check out several different vending machine companies and their backgrounds. Target vending machine companies that offer the specific type of machine you want, such as crane, claw, mini, manual, automatic, ATM, carousel, bulk, personal, combo or vending machines for capsules and stickers.

Find out how long the vending companies have been in business, what their hours are, and what their service availability is.
Find out if the vending company or franchise is properly licensed, and get written quotes and prices for all services.

Inquire as to what type of vending machine services are available, such as repair, as well as accessories such as labels. Ask how often the vending machine company representative will come by to refill items. Work out a schedule in advance and get it in writing. When choosing a vending machine company or franchise, research the various types of vending machines available. Research various vending machines online, where you can find reviews, prices, photos, and troubleshooting tips.

I am a business looking for a vending machine company to place and service machines, who do I contact?
Click on the following links to find a vending operator in your area!
Search The Vending Yellow Pages Directories:


Also see: Vending Magazines, Vending Consultants, Vending Resources,Trade Shows/Events, Vending News, Classifieds, Routes for Sale, Start Up Ebooks, Healthy Vending. Home,

Call us at 1-800-952-8363, Email us. https://www.vendingconnection.com

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