CP VendinggBeverage and Drink Vending Will Continue to Be Big Part of Global Vending Machine Growth

Following the worldwide outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19), vending machines have been declared an essential business that’s safe for consumers because they don’t require any person to person contact.  The global vending machine market was already predicted to grow by 9.4% by 2025, and the essential business declaration will only add to that growth.  

Yes, vending machines are an ideal business in a world that’s been affected by coronavirus but they are also ideal for business owners because vending machines can run 24-7, don’t require manual interaction, and what’s best of all is that they can be placed almost anywhere. 

In today’s world, it’s not uncommon for vending machines to be placed in locations like office break rooms, public or commercial areas.  

Besides being able to be conveniently placed in most locations, vending machine also come with low labor costs since most modern vending machines can be connected to Wi-Fi and inform their owners of inventory, sales, and other data from the location where the vending machine is placed.  

Beverage and drink vending machines have always been the most common products used in vending machines and that’s expected to continue in 2020 with beverage vending machines predicted to occupy about half of the vending machine market. 

Even though vending machines that offer cold beverages will continue to remain popular in 2020, coffee vending machines are slowly increasing in popularity, especially in Europe where it’s not uncommon to find vending machines in airports, office buildings, malls, and other locations. 

Vending Machine Market Share

In today’s vending machine market, there are more vending machines available than ever before.

It’s also common to see more companies using vending machines for their marketing and promotional uses. Companies like L’Oréal and Logitech are using vending machines to put their products directly in the hands of consumers.  

Today’s Consumer Demands More Than Just Traditional Beverage Vending Machines 

Consumers don’t just buy beverages from vending machines, they are demanding more products from their vending machines and vending machine manufacturers are responding. 

Today’s vending machines may look similar to the vending machines from years ago but they offer so much more including technological innovations like voice recognition and face recognition. A consumer can also offer a wide variety of menu items from modern vending machines including salads, custom made pizzas, soups, healthy granola bowls and so much more.  

Vending machines in the 2020s can also be used to dispense traditional items like cigarettes and snacks or “impulse products” that consumers would be more likely to buy from locations like airports, train stations and other public places around the world.  

With the global economy changing rapidly in a world that’s been affected by a coronavirus, entrepreneurs are investing in vending machines and or a micro markets to help their businesses grow during these trying times.  

By Jeff Adair, Editor

Also see: Essential Business Lists,  Classified Ads, Routes for saleHome

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Published On: March 28, 2020Categories: UncategorizedTags: ,

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