Watchman DoorTechnological advance has also transformed the locks industry, providing alternatives to make them more secure and, above all, to take more exhaustive control of the handling of vending machines. That is the direction in which companies such as Watchman Door, a spinoff of a major company dedicated to asset security, are heading.

Gone is that obsolete image of the machine operator with a thousand keys. In fact, the physical key has become anecdotal; Currently, the vending and vending sector demand new solutions that include offering remote, effective, and above all, management and control. safe.

Security. A crucial element in the world of automatic distribution. Betting on it is being one of the main factors in the operating companies, which increasingly embrace cutting-edge solutions in order to offer their clients full control of their business. Despite the fact that many entrepreneurs are still reluctant to bet on technology and the most innovative means of payment due to costs, the reality is that this investment brings with it many advantages, which also translate into economic savings: the possibility of having a fewer staff; Reach more users who demand new technologies and have the peace of mind that the machine is safe at all times.

Watchman Door works under these premises, which was born in 2016 as a spinoff of an important company dedicated to asset security. Pioneers in the installation of your smart lock applied to assets located in hot “squatting” areas. Thus, they operated in business segments such as banking, Real Estate, hotels, etc; Now, they have decided to embark on the vending industry, one of the models that most demands technological development. The company works and produces in Spain, so the product is developed by its own engineering department, which is an added value.

In this sense, they offer their WBox Smart Locks project, which allows full access and opening control from the smartphone. Through an app, the client can open the machine and from the Cloud to which it is linked, manage access, consult the operation history and manage all the information necessary for business control.

In other words, these locks act as a CRM for the client, which can track in real time who is entering and leaving the machines, when collection and supply have taken place and, ultimately, if the task is completed. It has produced as the operator would have indicated.

Thus, it can be extrapolated to a multitude of situations in which it is necessary to get rid of them in the sector. In fact, they are already experiencing strong demand for their product on all types of machines, including tobacco ones.

“What we are trying to do is make it easier for operators; offer them what they demand from us in vending, especially because there is a lot of staff turnover and they need to have the peace of mind and the option of being able to change this access through the machine’s own connectivity ”, explains Laura Gijón, commercial director of the company.

Published On: June 30, 2020Categories: Vending Technology & Security News

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