Are you planning on investing in a Stockwell Smart Store? If so, you’re making a smart choice. These smart stores offer game changing walk-away technology that makes it possible for you to get more ROI from your locations without having to hire employees to run them.
If you’re still on the fence about investing in a Stockwell Smart Store, here are four tips that you can use to make your Stockwell Store run more efficiently.
Tip #1 – Capitalize On An Untapped Location
Since it’s a secure, unattended, smart store, Stockwell is ideal for almost any location, especially for semi-public areas that have high traffic. This means locations like airports, hospitals, college campuses and car dealerships, just to name a few, are ideal, or this smart store can be used to expand your micro market footprint.
Tip #2 – Show Your Customer How The Store Works
In today’s world, most consumers are tech savvy but, they will still need to be shown how Stockwell works. To do this, you will need to have a ‘grand opening’ which shows how the store works and offer plenty of signage, or print outs, so that consumers can use Stockwell with confidence.
Tip #3 – Tap Into Training From A Pro
Last of all, but most important, another effective way to utilize Stockwell is to tap into the 365 Retail Markets training program because they’ve set up hundreds of locations nationwide and can assist you with the proper set up and configuration of your Stockwell store.
Once you invest in Stockwell, you can count on the 365 team to be available to train you remotely, in your warehouse, or on site.
For more information about Stockwell, visit the 365 Retail Markets website at