Panasonic Holdings Corporation (Panasonic HD) is set to launch an innovative mobile robot vending service, called PIMTO, in Tokyo’s Shinjuku Gyoen for a field trial from November 7 to December 8, 2024 (weather permitting). This unique, remotely operated vending solution aims to enhance visitor convenience by offering unmanned, accessible sales in one of Japan’s most iconic parks, Shinjuka Gyoen National Garden.
With the recent surge in foreign tourism, Panasonic HD’s PIMTO field trial will offer visitors locally inspired snacks and refreshments unique to Shinjuku Gyoen. Vended products are jointly planned and developed with the National Gardens Association, Mashup Inc., and Dentsu Inc. under the name “OYATSU (Snacks) in Shinjuku Gyoen,” highlighting the charm of Shinjuku Gyoen.
Preserving Shinjuku Gyoen with Mobile Vending Robots
The PIMTO service will provide mobile, unmanned vending robots designed to increase sales outlets without increasing construction. By doing so, the garden’s scenery and natural environment can continue to flourish. These vending machine robots can flexibly change their locations, depending on weather, seasonal charges, and events. These robots will be remotely controlled by Panasonic HD, rather than autonomous, and will collaborate with welfare facilities to handle the packaging of the vending products.
Promoting Universal Design and Technology for a Better Guest Experience
Panasonic HD is also promoting universal design, enabling people with disabilities or mental health concerns to visit conveniently and participate in service operations.
To further enhance the guest experience, Panasonic HD will develop and provide operational support through an app called “PIMTO UI,” which will assist with simple tasks such as stock replenishment, product replacement, and requests for robot travel.
The MOPTIMO project — led by the Mobility Business Strategy Office, which is developing PIMTO — tackles efforts to revitalize people, communities, and the globe by rethinking the concept of mobility. This project, under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of the Environment, will help determine if it’s ready for a full-scale launch. Factors include cost estimates, customer value, and operational fluidity.
About the MOPTIMO Project
Panasonic’s MOPTIMO project, which developed PIMTO, reimagines mobility to enhance people’s lives and community engagement by improving access to essential services. PIMTO’s mobile vending robots increases food and beverage availability in high-traffic tourist and urban areas and improves shopping access for seniors in rural regions. The goal is to advance social implementation in use cases directly related to societal issues.
About the Panasonic Group
Founded in 1918, the Panasonic Group is a global leader in developing technology and solutions across consumer electronics, housing, automotive, industry, communications, and energy sectors. Since April 2022, it operates under Panasonic Holdings Corporation as a holding company, with eight companies under its structure. Learn more at: