Created by Oranfresh, their OJ130 orange juice vending machine offers freshly squeezed orange juice from their patented vending machine, juice that’s squeezed from real oranges and doesn’t contain any water or sugar in the juice at all.
Since 1987, the Oranfresh Orange Juice vending machine has dispensed freshly squeezed orange juice to customers worldwide.
Hermetically sealed for safety, the machine offers total hygiene and self-cleaning, guaranteeing that the juice is always in a safe and clean environment for your vending customers.
Tap Into The Power Of Juice!
First, freshly squeezed juice is always in demand for a straightforward reason: consumers know the health benefits of one cup of juice, versus a bottle of soda.
The fruit juice market has experienced significant growth over the past two years. After a period of decline, mainly due to the demonization of sugars, the market has recovered in conjunction with the pandemic. Fruit juices and citrus juices have regained their value thanks to their healthy aspect and the content of vitamins, allies of our immune system, and their consumption has significantly increased.
The Most Natural Choice For Your Customers
This juice vending machine can be placed in an airport, gym, on campus, or another busy location. The 100% made in Italy, Oranfresh vending machines make it possible for you to offer natural, pure juice to your vending customers.
To learn more about this fresh juice vending machine, visit the Oranfresh website at