Apple Industries boosts cashbox with brand-new art & graphics package

Face-Place-Photo-Booths-Valentines-DayGREENVALE, NY – Every year 81% of Americans celebrate Valentine’s Day by spending more than $25 billion on flowers, candy, jewelry, romantic meals and various gifts.  And, a healthy percentage of that spending goes straight into Apple Industries’ Face Place Photo Booths.  That’s where boyfriends, girlfriends, family and regular friends take and send each other digital photos, electronic photo “cards” and high-quality videos of themselves as Valentine’s greetings and mementoes.

Major increases in the Face Place cashbox are becoming a Valentine’s tradition at Apple.  For example, over Valentine’s Day weekend last year, Face Place cashbox earnings across the U.S. more than doubled on average.  This year the romantic holiday period saw operators renew their Face Place love affair as cash boxes jumped 100% above a typical weekend’s earnings.

What drives the revenue numbers up?  Brand-new Face Place Valentine’s Day art and graphics such as photo frames, borders and themes…downloaded free to the operator of every networked Face Place unit running on the Smile 2.0 system.

During the run-up to the holiday and on Feb. 14 itself, as soon as a customer enters the booth and begins using the touchscreen to format their pictures, Valentine’s-themed borders and art automatically pop up as the first option.

It’s a great reminder to create a Valentine photo and help encourage customers to spend more and share more images to more friends and family members.

“For more than 100 years’ photo booths have traditionally been associated with romantic couples who love to cuddle and kiss in front of the camera,” said Apple CEO Allen Weisberg.  “So, Valentine’s Day is a perfect occasion for Face Place, which boosts that traditional appeal with the latest digital technology.  Our Valentine’s Day weekend earnings results suggest that everyone – family, friends and acquaintances — enjoys sending each other Face Place greetings from the booth’s touchscreen interface.”

Every Face Place booths offers customers several choices of ways to share and enjoy their digital images.  In addition, for an upcharge, personalized photos and videos can be emailed, Tweeted or posted to Facebook or Instagram – directly from the photo booth’s touchscreen interface.

“Free, regular updates to art and graphics are a key part of our ongoing promotions and marketing,” said Allen Weisberg.  “When operators succeed, we succeed and that’s why Apple freshens up the Face Place photo-taking and video-making experience with exciting new graphics for every holiday and every special occasion from New Year’s Eve to Valentine’s Day, Saint Patrick’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Halloween and of course Christmas.”

Judging from another great Valentine’s Day performance in 2017, the alliance of operators and Face Place continues to be a match made in “amusements industry heaven.”

Apple Industries Inc. is the world’s leading provider of consumer digital imaging solutions for retail environments. Apple Industries manufactures, markets and sells the award-winning line of Face Place digital photo booths. Face Place photo booths contain Smile 2.0 software which allows customers to purchase photo strips, 4×6 photos, and to share their photos directly from the photo booths by email, Facebook or Twitter. Apple Industries has been in the photo, vending, coin-operated machine and event planning industries for more than 30 years. The company’s website is; the telephone number is (516) 619-8000.


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Published On: February 22, 2017Categories: UncategorizedTags:

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