Liberty BrewMountain Dew announced recently that they would be releasing a new flavor, Liberty Brew, just in time for summer. What most people don’t know is that this unique flavor will be a combination of 50 different characters in one Mountain Dew drink. 

The company has a history of perfectly timing the release of new flavors before the summer months, including their Atomic Blue and Frostbite flavors. They never disappoint when it comes to releasing a unique flavor that Mountain Dew fans will love. 

About Mountain Dew Liberty Brew 

If you’re a fan of Mountain Dew, you will know that it is not the first time that the company has released Liberty Brew to the public, this is the second time that it has been released. 

The company previously released this flavor last year during Memorial Day weekend of 2019, and that release lasted until August 2019. 

Liberty Brew is a combination of 50 different flavors in one Mountain Dew drink. The midnight blue colored soda typically has mixed responses from those people who try it. Some have said that it tastes like a flavored berry drink, while others have said that it reminds them of the flavor of their favorite gummy candy. 

Either way, this Patriotic themed drink is sure to be another hit for the company as Mountain Dew has always been the drink of summer for many people, and the company’s Liberty Brew should be a big seller as we enter the summer months. 

Available By MidJune 

Summer is almost here, and now is the time for you to get ready to stock your Micro Market, or vending route, with Mountain Dew’s Liberty Brew since it is sure to be a hit. 

Mountain Dew continues to be one of the top sodas that people prefer in the United States. As of 2018, 43.6% of consumers between the ages of 18-29 drank Mountain Dew. 

This soft drink continues to be a preferred soda of choice for older generations as well since many consumers prefer to get their daily dose of caffeine from soda instead of coffee. 

The company will have Liberty Brew available in 20-ounce singleserve bottles, 12-ounce cans, and 12 packs as well. 

Besides appealing to soda drinkers who are searching for new flavors, Liberty Brew is sure to appeal to people who buy Patriotic themed products since Liberty Brew has imagery, which includes the Statue of Liberty, Liberty Bell, and the Bald Eagle. 

Will Liberty Brew overtake Baja Blast as the most famous Mountain Dew flavor ever? Right now, that remains to be seen since Baja Blast has a devoted fan base worldwide, but if the company keeps Liberty Brew released past the summer months, likely, this flavor may soon overtake Baja Blast as the flavor of choice for Mountain Dew fans. 

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Published On: June 5, 2020Categories: UncategorizedTags: ,

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