Mezcla Plant-Based Protein BarsMezcla Plant-Based Protein Bars are now available in three different flavors including Peruvian Coca Peanut Butter, Mexican Chipotle Hot Chocolate, and Japanese Match Vanilla Crunch, these plant-based protein bars are very tasty and satisfying at the same time. 

What makes Mezcla protein bars different than others on the market today is that they feature a core ingredient called Amaranth, a grain that’s become a staple in the diets of Inca and Maya civilizations. This grain can be described as a ‘superfood’ because it’s an excellent source of iron, magnesium, manganese, and phosphorus plus it’s high in protein and fiber.

If you’ve tried protein bars before, you will enjoy Mezcla Protein Bars, they have a chewy/crunchy texture that will satisfy your protein requirement while also offering you a delicious sweet treat at the same time. 

Mezcla is one of the newest companies to enter the protein bar market. The company also recently received Kickstarter funding for $30,000 and this has helped them spread the awareness of their brand around the world. 

These protein bars are non-GMO, soy-free, gluten-free and they contain about 11 grams of protein and 160 calories per serving. 

To learn more about Mezcla Protein Bars visit

By Jeremy Raglin, Editor-Content Writer

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Published On: September 4, 2020Categories: Uncategorized, Vending Product NewsTags: ,

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