Eatsmart Snacks are made from healthy ingredients like real potatoes, spinach, tomatoes and what’s even more ideal is that they are certified gluten-free and non-GMO verified. Also, Eatsmart Snacks are packaged in a peanutfree facility. 

Eatsmart Snacks now offers VEGGIE CRISPSVEGGIE STRAWS and the new certified ORGANIC VEGGIE STRAWS that are ideal ‘anytime’ snacks that can be enjoyed individually, or they can pair well with any meal. 

Besides having 40 percent less fat than traditional potato chips, these Eatsmart Snacks also are seasoned with sea salt and turmeric so you can have an enjoyable snack that’s nice to your stomach.

More Consumers Are Snacking In 2020 

Since the start of Covid-19, more consumers are snacking during the day than ever before. In a recent survey results from the IFIC Foundation commissions the Food and Health it stated, 31% of respondents said that they snack a few days each week, while other consumers said that they either snack once a day, or multiple times each day. 

With more consumers getting their snack foods from vending machines, micromarkets, and other contactless options, it makes sense to offer them healthy options that are also better for them at the same time compared to other traditional snacks. 

To learn more about Eatsmart Snacks, visit their website at: 

Eatsmart Snacks


By Jeremy Raglin, Editor-Content Writer

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Also see: Beverages, Coffee, Cold BrewSnacksFoodsBrokersChipsNuts, Energy DrinksEnergy barsFruit SnacksMeat SnacksSalty SnacksCandyTrail MixGluten FreeHealthy SnacksPastriesCookiesCrackersFoodsHispanic Snacks,

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Published On: September 19, 2020Categories: Uncategorized, Vending Product NewsTags: ,

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