Drinkmate CarbonatorThe Drinkmate carbonation system can turn any beverage into a sparkling creation in a workplace or hospitality setting.

There is both a countertop model and a portable model that include refillable and exchangeable 10- and 60-liter carbon dioxide cylinders that can carbonate any beverage with a patented Fizz infuser. The Fizz infuser has both carbon dioxide gas inlet and release functions integrated into one unit. A dual valve system allows for controlled and safe pressure release.

The customer fills the bottle with the beverage, carbonates with short bursts, removes the bottle and releases the pressure using the Fizz infuser.

The beverage bottle is detached from the machine with the Fizz infuser attached, and can be stored in a refrigerator with the newly carbonated drink.

For more information visit https://idrinkproducts.com

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Published On: August 31, 2019Categories: UncategorizedTags:

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