Fruit Crunch ParfaitDel Monte Food, Inc. announced recently that they are launching a non-dairy Fruit Crunch Parfait that will provide a delicious full serving of fruit while offering their well-known creamy and crunchy granola layers. 

This non-dairy product offers healthconscious individuals the opportunity to enjoy a delicious non-dairy snack while still having the same yummy flavors that they may know and love if they enjoyed a Del Monte Parfait in the past. 

A Growing Demand for Non-Dairy Products 

The non-dairy market has continued to grow fast over the years and had an estimated $11.9 billion value as of 2017. In 2020 dairy sales in the United States are projected to drop by more than 10% as more people prefer milk-free alternatives. (Source – 

With more people choosing to go non-dairy every day it makes sense for companies like Del Monte to invest more in creating plant-based products because they have also been proven to show better returns, especially among young adults who are between the ages of 16-24 years old. 

Although a large part of the worlds population still prefers to drink milk, many people are gradually moving away from drinking milk in everyday life due to allergies and other health reasons. Thankfully, Del Monte is stepping up its efforts to bring more dairyfree snacks to consumers worldwide. 

Same Delicious Flavor as Other Del Monte Parfait’s  

What’s great about Del Monte’s new Fruit Crunch Parfait is that being a non-dairy product hasn’t changed the flavor at all. On the contrary, this product offers a delicious taste that many people will find more appealing than their traditional Parfait options. 

Del Monte knows that their customers love options, and they aim to please. The new parfait is going to come in a variety of different flavors including blueberry, strawberry, pineapple coconut, and mango. This product is also good for you and is packed with probiotics so it won’t cause digestive issues like ice cream or other dairybased products. 

10-Month Refrigerated Shelf Life 

Convenience stores or micromarkets that are planning on offering this non-dairy Parfait to their customers will be pleased to know that it also has a 10-month refrigerated shelf life so they can offer this product without wondering if it’s going to spoil like other non-dairy Parfaits like they may have sold in the past. 

In a recent interview, Del Monte stressed that their next Fruit Crunch Parfait is a “reinvented classic” that will appeal to millions of consumers around the world who are health conscious but also want to continue enjoying the foods that they love at the same time. 

Could we see more non-dairy products from Del Monte in 2020 and the years to come? The answer to this question is yes as Del Monte continues to be one of the most well-known and respected brands in the world that offers delicious fruit snacks that most people know and love. 

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Published On: February 6, 2020Categories: UncategorizedTags: ,

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