Pepsi CafeCoffee plus Cola? PepsiCo announced recently that they plan on releasing a new beverage in April which they have named Pepsi Café. This brand is expected to be a major hit for Pepsi since it’s going to appeal to people who enjoy coffee and cola. 

What will Pepsi Café taste like? PepsiCo recently stated that the beverage will offer a taste of coffee with the delicious undertones of Pepsi Cola. 

What to Expect from Pepsi Café  

The good thing about this new beverage is that since many people enjoy both coffee and soda it’s sure to appeal to a wide audience since the average person who drinks coffee also drinks one or more sodas during the week as well and they will most likely enjoy the flavor of Pepsi Café.  

Once it hits the market, Pepsi Café is going to offer two flavors; an original flavor, then a vanilla flavor which will be a sweet, creamy, beverage that is sure to be appealing to people who enjoy iced coffee. 

Serving Consumer Demands 

In a recent interview, Todd Kaplan, Pepsi’s Vice President of Marketing said that the company was eager to serve the demand of cola fans worldwide while also satisfying the needs of coffee drinker as well. 

PepsiCo has succeeded in meeting its goals thanks to the creation of Pepsi Café. The new beverage is going to come in 12-fl.oz. “slim cans” and they are sure to also appeal to consumers who want a product that will give them a quick caffeine boost during their day without them having to drink a hot cup of coffee. 

Not Their First Time Creating A Coffee-Cola Beverage 

Even though some people may think that this is Pepsi’s first time creating a coffee-cola beverage with Pepsi Café, the company has actually created another coffee product before, back in 1996 with Pepsi Kona. 

Don’t expect Pepsi Café to be around forever though, the company has also stated recently that this new product will only be around for a “limited time” but it’s possible that they could keep Pepsi Café on the market for longer depending on how it’s embraced in the marketplace.  

Even though Coca-Cola doesn’t have a coffee + cola beverage on the market in the United States in 2020, the company does have its own coffee plus cola version available only in international markets. 

Sensing the demand for a coffee and cola product in the United States, Kaplan also stated that the company is eager to be the first to satisfy the demand for a coffee + cola product in the USA and are eager to launch it the “right way”. 

The Perfect Afternoon Pick-Me-Up  

With the creation of Pepsi Café, PepsiCo has created a product that’s sure to offer consumers the perfect “afternoon pick-me-up” that they will enjoy.  

Since PepsiCo has been eager to launch the product the right way, they also took their time developing Pepsi Café and met with consumer groups to develop a product that offers the perfect “marriage” of coffee and cola. 

It’s only February and April can’t get here fast enough as Pepsi fans in the United States are waiting patiently to try Pepsi Café and add it to their list of “musthave” drinks. 

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Published On: February 5, 2020Categories: UncategorizedTags: , ,

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